The Earth and Seed

Owned - Thoughts about a Woman v1

"Ten years ago I had the same feeling."

"I'm still not sure what you're trying to imply."

"Well, I'm sure that you have felt it before with _____."

"I'm sure I did but that still doesn't mean I know what the Hell you are talking about!"

"What I'm trying to say without referencing the past is that I have felt this feeling about a girl once before. Ten years ago. I was sitting across from her at a donut shop filled with policeman, drunk or stoned, and I looked at her. I know the feeling then just as I know the feeling now. It's a feeling of ownership, and I can tell you right now, my friend, I am clearly owned."

"Are you sure that you're not looking too much into it? Perhaps you are still looking for that feeling after all these years."

"I can tell you that I am not looking to be psychoanalyed!"

"I'm not trying to analyze you. I'm just curious. It's not like this hasn't been a problem in the past. I'm sure you could ask the same questions of me at times-"

"-and I will!"

"I know you will, and I'm not trying to make that the point. I'm just wondering why you are so convinced."

"It's not hard to understand."

"I know it's not! I'm just saying that it's easy for people like us to get confused. Especially when it comes to love, and more specifically, when it comes women."

"Well no one has said anything about love but I certainly agree with your reasoning. All I am saying is that ten years ago I looked across the table from someone, there were no words spoken but there was a sound, and that sound made everything around her face disappear. However, if there were words, I would have been captured by every one of them. I would have slipped into everyone of their holes. Not trapped, but captured. Owned!"

"That's what you felt the other night?"

"That's what I've felt since that night. It's a feeling I haven't felt in ten years but I recognize it like it was yesterday."

"It was yesterday."

"The new feeling was yesterday. Quit fucking with me."

10:06 a.m. ::
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